I really love...

Sunday, October 26, 2008

I really love............her voice, her "gummy" little smile, the way her eyes swint like her mommy's when she's laughs, her soft belly, her drooly kisses (saved only for her mom), the way she loves that "green frog", how she and I share secrets that no one else can know, to look across the room and realize she is staring back at me, to see a broad grin come across that beautiful little face when she opens her eyes from naptime, the way she examines people, other children, dogs, toys, - she's thinking and I wonder what out little "einstein" is figuring out, when her little cry turns to laughter, the way she smells after bathtime, breathing her in like I may never take another breath, and most of all I just LOVE being her mommy!!!!!!!!!! She is all things precious to me!