So much to tell, So little time!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Bad Mommy! It's been way too long since my last post on Ava Kate and boy do I feel guilty! Thanks for all the reminders from my loyal followers! ha! :) 

So, whats new with the little princess? Well, Ava Kate is crawling!
OKAY, that's half true! It's a cute backwards crawl and slide! 
And...fancy this...the girl can do push ups! It's the cutest darn thing ever. She sprawls out hands in perfect position for a push up, stretches out those long "daddy" legs of hers, and gets on her toes and pushes up! Ballerina maybe? or an athlete perhaps? I don't know both of those require grace that she will not get from her mommy or daddy for that matter! 

Christmas was a blast! Santa brought her lots and lots of wonderful things that usually take a back seat to the remote or my cell phone! We did have a lot of fun and we got a digital camcorder as a family exciting! (except Ashley tortures me by shooting me close after a day of spilled milk, mashed up crackers in my hair, you know the regular mommy look at the end of the day! It's fun though! I think I may edit it all and have a little something for her first bday! 

SPEAKING OF...I'm already thinking that far in advance. Can you believe Ava Kate Kelley will be 8 months old in just a couple of weeks! EEEKKKKK! It's just going to fast! 

So, here's one reason the blog isn't updated as often as I desire! I'm back to work! Just from home. I'm planning events again, weddings! check out my website and I have a blog coming soon, Little White Book for Brides! 

Here are some new pictures!!! ENJOY!